Agar Sodium Hypochlorite Sanitiser

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Sodium hypochlorite contains hypochlorous acid that is a powerful germ-killing agent which kills bacteria, yeasts, moulds and many viruses



Key Benefits:

  • Sodium hypochlorite is a water-based solution containing 12.5% available chlorine.
  • It effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms like germs and bacteria.
  • Serves as a powerful sanitiser for various applications.
  • Recognized by AQIS for sanitising food processing tools and equipment.
  • Contributes to maintaining a clean and safe environment.


  • Ideal for use in food preparation areas to ensure hygiene.
  • Acts as a stain remover, making it valuable for laundry whitening
  • Highly cost-effective for both commercial and household use.
  • Ideal for cleaning surfaces affected by mildew, mold, and greasy or soapy residues.
  • Perfect for tiles, grout, bathtubs, sinks, and shower areas.
  • Highly effective for sanitizing food prep areas, utensils, and kitchen equipment.
  • When diluted properly is safe for sanitizing fruits and vegetables.
  • Suitable for both household and commercial use.
  • Helps maintain a hygienic environment in kitchens and bathrooms.

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