Agar Browning Treatment 5L

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Browning Treatment is crucial for removing cellulosic browning from carpets and upholstery caused by inadequate drying. By employing appropriate cleaning and drying methods along with Browning Treatment, you can effectively rejuvenate the appearance of your carpets and prevent future discoloration.

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Browning Treatment is a specialized liquid designed to remove jute stain cellulosic browning from carpets and upholstery. This browning typically occurs due to the over wetting or flooding of cellulosic fibres like jute, cotton, or linen, resulting in unsightly discoloration.

How Does It Work?

  • Cellulosic Browning: This discoloration arises when cellulosic fibres in a carpet, such as jute or cotton, are wetted and then dried slowly. As the moisture evaporates, brown stains appear at the points where evaporation occurs. This is similar to how newspapers yellow with age.
  • Mechanism: During the cleaning process, if moisture comes into contact with cellulosic fibres, a small portion of the fibre may dissolve and be carried up onto the surface of the carpet through a wicking action. When the water evaporates, the dissolved cellulosic matter can leave brown stains on the tips of the carpet tufts.
  • Drying Impact: The slower the drying process, the more pronounced the browning. Rapid drying helps prevent browning by allowing the moisture to evaporate from the tips of the tufts before it can cause significant discoloration.

When does browning occur:

Browning in carpets happens when cellulosic fibres, moisture, and slow drying are present. Cleaning water can dissolve cellulosic materials like jute backing, allowing discoloration to rise into the tuft tips as the carpet dries. The slower the drying, the more pronounced the browning, as moisture evaporates from the tips first. To prevent browning, it is essential to dry carpets quickly to stop the discoloured material from wicking upwards.

How do you recognise browning?

Browning can be recognized by spreading apart the carpet pile and checking for discoloration at the highest points, such as the tips of tufts on cut-pile carpets or the sides of flattened fibers in high-traffic areas. It typically manifests as random yellow-brown patches that may be evenly distributed across the carpet. Additionally, soil can obscure browning, which tends to darken over time due to oxidation.


  1. Identify Affected Areas: Check for browning on the tips of tufts or flattened areas of the carpet.
  2. Treatment Procedure: Apply Browning Treatment to the affected areas as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the treatment reaches the discoloured fibres thoroughly.
  3. Drying: After treatment, allow the area to dry quickly to prevent further browning.
  4. Post-Treatment: If necessary, repeat the treatment to ensure complete removal of browning.

Additional Tips:

  • Prevention: To avoid browning, ensure carpets are not over-wet during cleaning and expedite the drying process.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly inspect carpets for signs of browning and address issues promptly to maintain appearance and prolong the life of the carpet.


Browning Treatment is an essential solution for addressing and removing cellulosic browning caused by improper drying of carpets and upholstery. By following proper cleaning and drying techniques, and using Browning Treatment as needed, you can effectively restore the appearance of your carpets and prevent further discoloration.


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5L, 20L


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